Saturday, July 30, 2011

Subject Combi

vvv torn): someone help me): 


okay i shall dedicate a blogpost to you yay, although it is like 1 day late.
okay so right, thanks for being my friend!! aww you awesome buff friendddddd xD We've been through alot together, even before this year when you met kailin ahaha. remember last year you used to carry me around in class ahaha though at first i was like...weird.
i can't exactly remember how we met. except that last year all you did during recess was to say that i was light and whatever and carry me around haha. LOL and this year you call me a stick uh-hummmm. im not a stick okay.
Would like to end off thanking you for your fb post! AWW SO SWEET!
HAHA okay you really made my day yay. Will pass you your present asap!! haha so sorry didnt give you on that day itself):


Monday, July 18, 2011

when there was just me and you

haha i like tangguo<3 sooo prettaye:D and she's such a good dancer omg:DD hahahahaha.
lolol partly influenced by my pri sch friend ahaha. how's dance in your school? haha xD heh nothing much to say, just that ms ng's tumblr makes me hungryyyyyy): okay i should seriously go to sleep now. T.T sip's strangling me ahhhh. someone help me with the colour thing)): been snacking alot recently. yeah oh well. this post is so disjointed but it isn't as if i care HAHA. lollll alot people privated their blogs don't know why hmm should I private this too? food for thought. okay goodbyes:D

Sunday, July 17, 2011


okay uhh weekends are very unproductive, as always. LOL i think its cause I dont feel any sense of urgency ahaha.
okay but i seriously need to finish sip experiment. the report is due in one week's time. shizz. #officiallyscrewed
okay somehow or rather I began liking that kind of symbols like those used on twitter haha.
yeah added fred perry bags on my blogshop and i think the bags are really cool. gonna get one for myself teeheehee. can't believe i am selling at only $13 while other blogshops are like selling at $18 :0 should I raise the price? hmm if response is good then $13 shall be it:D hohoho somehow doing blogshop stuff make my day haha. though i waste like tons of time on it. XD but it makes me feel satisfied oh well idk why also
ooh and i realized i like handicrafts. so next time when i grow up and have a house imma gonna dedicate a room for all my handicrafts and rubbish aha(:

Thursday, July 14, 2011


hello world. decided to public this blog again. lol. cos i seldom update. have a private blog which i update more but not really much too. haha. does that even make sense. 
okay so week 3 was a rather hectic week hehe. i think everyone will agree lah haha. its like math and geog on wednesday, which is like such a horrible combination of exams but aiyah, what can we do. then mrs leslie told us on tuesday, that our oral pt was on wednesday/thursday. which freaked everyone out. like why tell us so late man omg. its like theres still math and geog ppa on wednesday): 
but luckily kailin has f1 ahaha. so right we are pushed to thursday slot. and i realized even 3rd lang can be used as an excuse. lol. i thought exams take presidence over everything except competitions. and oral pt caused me to miss exco'12 voting): ughhh. siannnn.
was the first group to go cause chandreyee's group went on wednesday. okay it seemed bad at first but aiyah, since have to do it anyway might as well go first and go back earlier. 
pt was okay-ish. guess i better not talk about it here cos like there are people doing next week so yup. presentation was okay but i totally forgotten all my memorized notes when i see the teachers so i was like ughhhh. so wasted): ya then Q&A was worse cos all i talked about was only 1 sentence. or 2. idkkkkk. and i don't want to know my marks omg. its like my question is so hard. okay maybe not so, but harder compared to the rest. but then you know right during the presentation, i was like so tensed up cos one of the teachers keep staring at me (or is it the slides?). yeah then i cant memorize all so i kept looking at my cue cards): then suddenly miss chan looked up omg. and both of them stared at me. omg omg. its like look left, look at cards, look right. don't even known where to look. so i panick-ed more and then ms chan gave me a smile. heheheheh. its like idk why but suddenly i relaxed? idk. but still screwed up a major portion of it cos yeah, i kept stumbling over my words omg. sobs sobs. and ykr when one of the teacher raised her hand up while i was talking, i thought what shes gonna ask me or something. then i was like ooh, the time. then aiyah omg so wasted i just stopped like completely ughhh
okay then i went home. 
but omg i cant find my house key and no one was at home so i had to freaking wait for 1 hour at the mrt station for my mom. and my bag is like so heavyyyy):
okay bye bye gtg eat dinner:D hbl tmr! but still have 3rd langggg):

Friday, July 8, 2011

History CBA

Screwed up. like i agree then all the points all super weird/wrong/insubstantial. Wrote the maria hertogh riot which practically left me with only 15min left for another 'agree' point and another 'disagree' point. and all the points are screwed up. like literally. and i didn't even finish my conclusion.

screw this. ):