Sunday, July 17, 2011


okay uhh weekends are very unproductive, as always. LOL i think its cause I dont feel any sense of urgency ahaha.
okay but i seriously need to finish sip experiment. the report is due in one week's time. shizz. #officiallyscrewed
okay somehow or rather I began liking that kind of symbols like those used on twitter haha.
yeah added fred perry bags on my blogshop and i think the bags are really cool. gonna get one for myself teeheehee. can't believe i am selling at only $13 while other blogshops are like selling at $18 :0 should I raise the price? hmm if response is good then $13 shall be it:D hohoho somehow doing blogshop stuff make my day haha. though i waste like tons of time on it. XD but it makes me feel satisfied oh well idk why also
ooh and i realized i like handicrafts. so next time when i grow up and have a house imma gonna dedicate a room for all my handicrafts and rubbish aha(:

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