Monday, November 15, 2010

ICYL concert

Sigh, so many strings prac. Like twice in every single week. Not for SYF. but for ICYL. okay the first rehearsal was seriously screwed. 'cause everyone was just practically faking their notes through >:( okay, i have to admit i faked through the super super fast part also D: felt really guilty but i just din want to screw up the whole ensemble by messing up the timing. 谁知道 everyone also faking through, thn that section was only the violin/viola/bass. and the cello section was like "absent". heh. okay at least we improved for the following 2nd, 3rd, 4th rehearsals. yay(Y) hope the 5th rehearsal onwards will be better (: and oh wanyi, i will be late for thurs meeting cos i got 5th ICYL full dress rehearsal. and people attending the meeting, i assure you that you WONT be seeing my make-up/costume cos i'll be changing into home clothes. ahahahahahahahah.

Back to the point: we must save ourselves frm the scoldings manxz >< and prove that strings rocks (:(:(:(:(:(: yup, ICYL concert is a big thing, no smaller than SYF itself. so JIAYOUS STRINGS WE CAN DO IT :D though this will prolly be my last time performing in a concert with strings, i will work hard and not 连累 the whole ensemble. i know my playing is very fail, and very far frm perfect. but yeah, i must treasure this last opportunity of performance with strings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, no use saying all this yeah? must transform words into actions hahahaha. (idk why but nowadays im super motivated to go prac my cello, but no motivation at all for piano ._.)

haha kay ICYL concert is in 6DAYS!!!!!! i must prac prac prac alot alot alot. and rehearsal's gonna be crazier, cos its on every single day: wed, thurs, fri, sat, sun. thn mon is the BIG AND REAL thing. praying very hard that it wont be screwed up by me. heheheheheheheh. okay gtg prac. I MUST NOT SCREW UP ANYTHING. hahahasss. 6 more days (:

toodles (:

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