Monday, November 22, 2010


Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Today afternn is gonna be the actual real ICYL concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whoohooooooooooooo. hope i dont screw anything up (: this is probably gna be my 2nd and last concert tgt with strings, so i'll give it my best and treasure this moment :D i shall post in detail after the concert is over, but right now, i have to go continue practicing my cello. i have practised at home since 10am til now, and i will try to prac all the way until 3.30. haha thn i shall be nice and let my hands rest for 30min before going to school to prac (combined) and start the concert. lalalalala. k i gtg now. buhbyes and sry for my inconsistent posting. heh. rather busy with icyl concert daily rehearsal.